Epping Primary and Parent/Carer Volunteers,
Studies have shown the importance of parent/carer helpers in the classroom and that students do better academically and socially when a school build positive relationships with families.
‘When parents are involved at school, the performance of all the children at school, not just their own, tends to improve. The more comprehensive and well planned the partnership between school and home, the higher the student achievement’ (Henderson and Berla).
Epping Primary does require any Parent/Carer Volunteer to read through the 'Parent Helpers Session' below. For parents who would like to support their child in the classroom but are unsure how or for those who would simply like a refresher before they start in the classrooms.
It is strongly recommended that you read through these sessions before you begin working in the classroom, if possible. Please contact Jenny Evans, Jennifer.Evans3@education.vic.gov.au with a copy of the confidentiality agreement (linked below) so that you can begin.
Confidentiality Agreement 2024
© Epping Primary School