Cyber Safety Platforms
We are a proud eSmart school. Since we first registered with the program in 2018, we have introduced many new policies and activities to improve the way our school manages cybersafety, bullying, and cyberbullying. We feel confident our students, staff, and the wider school community are now well supported to be smart, safe, and responsible users of digital technology.
eSmart is a long-term change program designed to educate, track, monitor, and prevent bullying and cyberbullying. eSmart Schools is tailor-made for schools and designed to affect change in that specific environment.
It is not a band-aid or a quick fix and based on documented evidence, it was created to address cyber risks, bullying, and cyberbullying – and to help schools meet their duty of care.
eSmart provides our school with management tools to deal with bullying and cyber issues and incidents so that students feel safer and more supported at school. It also helps our school to embrace the benefits of technology while reducing students’ exposure to cyber risks, such as cyberbullying, online predators, sexting, identity theft, and fraud.
To famliarise yourself with Cyber Safe education, please refer to the following websites for more information:
At Epping Primary School we run a Google Workspace for Education school that is managed by a third party, who specialising in internet security. HÄpara provides digital tools that support teachers to deliver authentic, personalized learning experiences to their students. It makes digital learning with Google Workspace for Education more accessible to students, by replicating traditional teaching and learning routines in the digital environment. The platform fosters positive relationships between educators and learners by providing greater visibility and clarity in the classroom and at home while encouraging students to be independent thinkers and good digital citizens. This program always ensures the safety of our students in the digital world.
With Intune for Education, you can: Manage the mobile devices and apps your staff and students use for school, protect school data by helping to control the way your users access and share it, and ensure devices and apps are compliant with security requirements.
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